
First KinderGym course of 2023 completed

From a stark Men's Artisitic training area, our four KinderGym (KG) coaching course participants converted it into a KinderGym playland. Now it looks like KinderGym! The course was held on 22 - 23 March 2023, as with every course we hope to create a bank of ideas that coaches can bring back to their gyms to incorporate or start their own KinderGym programmes working with children under 6 years old.
KinderGym Coach Education Intermediate Coaching Courses

Understanding more about Physical Literacy

Physical literacy is about building the skills, knowledge and behaviours to help us lead active lives. It is the holistic learning that occurs through movement and physical activity and integrates physical, psychological, social, and cognitive capabilities.

ActiveSG KinderGym Programme

Singapore Gymnastics is excited to be partnering with SportSG to deliver, in partnership with our affiliated Clubs, the ActiveSG Gymnastics Academy, which will deliver quality gymnastics programmes to children across Singapore, starting January 2021.
KinderGym ActiveSG
