National Training Centre

National Training Centre

What is the National Training Centre?

Singapore Gymnastics operates the National Training Centre (NTC) Programme, a High-Performance training initiative covering Men's Artistic Gymnastics, Women's Artistic Gymnastics, and Rhythmic Gymnastics. Entry into this program is strictly through selection. In addition to the annual Recruitment Selection Trials advertised on our website and social media, periodic additional selection trials are conducted. These trials are designed to identify individuals with natural gymnastic talent and aspirations to represent Singapore at major international competitions. Open exclusively to Singapore Citizens, these trials offer all interested individuals the chance to register and potentially join the program.

Upon selection, participants are required to commit to training between 16 to 30 hours per week, usually arranged into 4-hour sessions, depending on their age. The scheduling of training hours for new athletes entering the NTC is gradual to prioritise their well-being. Attendance at a minimum of 85% of training sessions is expected from NTC athletes, with any missed sessions requiring approval and valid reasons. Alongside physical presence, gymnasts must demonstrate discipline and a steadfast psychological dedication to continuous improvement throughout training sessions.

Singapore Gymnastics extends its evaluation beyond the annual selection process, welcoming athletes already engaged in gymnastics who show remarkable talent and express interest in joining the National Training Centre (NTC) Programme directly. These individuals undergo an assessment to ascertain their suitability for inclusion. This personalised approach not only evaluates the athletes' skills but also assesses their dedication and commitment to the program's objectives. It offers talented gymnasts an opportunity to demonstrate their abilities and potentially contribute to Singapore's representation at major international competitions.

Periodically, National Coaches may identify and assess talent at SG events. Upon identification, SG will notify the relevant clubs and invite these athletes to a dedicated testing session.

The Selection Process

Unless otherwise communicated, the NTC recruitment Selection Trial usually occurs in two phases:

  • ·       PHASE 1:  An annual selection trial, open to current gymnasts and interested children, is conducted with specific time blocks on designated dates. This information will be promoted on SG's website and social media platforms. Results may be disclosed within two weeks, and Phase 2 details will be conveyed to successful participants via email.
  • ·       PHASE 2: Selected gymnasts undergo a one-month trial training with the NTC, requiring a monthly training fee. Successful completion leads to an official offer of a position in the NTC, subject to acceptance.

While an official position is granted, it's not permanent. NTC coaches assess progress and attendance regularly. If development doesn't meet expectations, gymnasts may be transitioned out for interested and qualified athletes. However, being transitioned out doesn't mean the end; improved gymnasts can still be re-selected at future Trials.

RG NTC athletes are expected to re-trial either annually or bi-annually.

Athletes are obligated to be transparent with their current club if they are selected to join the NTC after approaching SG or attending the selection trial. It's important to note that SG will never approach athletes directly.

For any queries regarding the NTC and its selection process, kindly contact


SG's National Training Centres


Men's Artistic Gymnastics


Women's Artistic Gymnastics


Rhythmic Gymmastics
