Continuing Coach Education (CCE)

Continuing Coach Education (CCE)

Continue Coach Education (CCE) is recognised as a very important part of a coach’s development.

NROC requires coaches to upgrade themselves continually to maintain high coaching standards. NROC membership is valid for three years, during which time coaches are coaches are expected to accumulate minimum learning hours by attending regular CCE activities. Up to 10 CCE hours may be awarded for a recognised CCE activity. Learning hours can be acquired in 2 main areas: 

  • Coaching Practice 

  • Coach Education

There are four types of membership status in the NROC:

Membership Status



Refers to coaches who have fulfilled all the SG criteria and annual membership renewal requirements.


Refers to coaches who have fulfilled all the SG criteria but did not meet the membership renewal requirements, i.e., have not paid their annual membership, failed to acquire the required number of learning hours or failed to send in renewed Standard First Aid.


Refers to coaches who have failed to meet the membership renewal requirements for a continuous period of nine years. The coach's name will be removed from the Registry.


Refers to coaches who have either breached the Coach's Code of Ethics or are under investigation, pending a decision. Re-instatement of membership will be granted on a case-by-case basis.

In order to keep their status "Active" in the NROC, coaches are required to accumulate the following number of learning hours (depending on their level of certification) within each 3-year period.


Click to read more information on Continuing Coach Education (CCE)
