
Our dream is to help develop a culture for gymnastics and an ecosystem to support gymnastics for one and all.

In the process, we hope to produce world-class athletes that will fly the Singapore flag high and bring pride and joy to our people.


Why Serve As a Patron?

Leaders with sound character to help put Singapore Gymnastics on the World Map

Support a Worthwhile Cause

Be a Part of a Success Story

Strengthen Your Image & Reputation

Improve Your Organisation

Donations will be matched by the One Team Singapore Fund which means every dollar donated is matched by the OTSF scheme.

As a recognised Charity and an Institution of Public Character, all donations to SG are entitled to 2.5 times tax deductions.

Your financial support to Singapore Gymnastics (SG) used to nurture world-class athletes through the development and implementation of a High-Performance Sport (HPS) System and HPS projects and initiatives in the areas of competition opportunities, pathway development, coach development, management capability, training environment and sports science and medicine.

For more information on Singapore Gymnastics Patronage, click here.

