
Final Call - Registration Ends Today!

Published Fri 20 Mar 2020


Registration closes today, 20 March 2020 at 2359H for RG athletes looking for Selection into the National Squad and Sg Open Team!

To all aspiring FIG Senior and Junior RG Gymnasts, the SG National Squad Selection for Junior and Senior and the SG Open Junior & Senior team selection will be held tomorrow, Saturday, 21 March till Sunday, 22 March 2020 at the OCBC Arena!

The selection event on the weekend also includes the selection for the Senior Asian Championships, scheduled to be held in May 2020, in Tokyo.

Successful gymnasts will earn their coveted spots in the National Squad for FY2020/2021 and onto the SG Open Junior or Senior Team.

To register, please follow this link

The SG Open Selection Policy & the National Squad addendum can all be found by following the link.

Provisional Schedule for the weekend is as follows:

Participants: *As at 20 March 1700H*


Please be informed of the following:

1. All gymnasts are to save their routine music in a thumb drive - in mp3 format, to be submitted during the draw.

2. The draw for the order of performance for each gymnast will be conducted 5 minutes before the commencement of podium training.
