SGDP Frequently Asked Questions


Do I need to be a member of Singapore Gymnastics to be involved in the Singapore Gymnastics Development Programme?

Yes you do. All athletes, coaches and clubs participating in any SGDP activities need to be registered members of Singapore Gymnastics.


Do I need to apply to be part of the Singapore Gymnastics Development Programme as an athlete?

All athletes who compete in the divisions of Nationals, as outlined on the main page will be invited to participate in the Programme, along with their coach.


Do I need to apply to be part of the Singapore Gymnastics Development Programme as a coach?

All coaches who have athletes invited to participate in the Programme, are invited also. Any coaches who are interested but have no athletes invited are very welcome. Please contact the relevant Programme Managers (details at the bottom of the page) for more information. 


Is an athlete able to attend a Singapore Gymnastics Development Programme activity without their coach?

No. Coach development is a critical part of the SGDP. As such all athletes need to be supported by their own coach at any SGDP activity, unless otherwise stated.


Are there any plans for Trampoline to be part of the Singapore Gymnastics Development Programme?

We are working hard to include Trampoline in 2022.


My child will be 12 at National Championships but will be turning 13 in November. Are they considered 12 years or younger?

No, as they are turinng 13 this year, they are considered '13 and under' for the entire calendar year.


As a coach, will I get Continuing Coach Education (CCE) hours for my participation in the Camps?

You will be eligible for CCE hours for your participation.


What is the cost to be part of the Singapore Gymnastics Development Programme?

There is an annual fee for athletes to be part of the Programme. There is no charge for coaches who are working with SGDP athletes.


What is the purpose of the camps?

The camps are designed as an opportunity to pass on information to coaches and athletes, as well as identifying the progress that has been made since the previous camp.


What competition score do I need, to be invited to be part of the Singapore Gymnastics Development Programme?

This is different for each discipline, presently only WAG have a qualifying competition score to be invited. All athletes who fulfil the criteria outlined in the tables on the main page will be invited, along with their coach.


Do athletes need to be Singapore citizens to be part of the SGDP?

Athletes must be Singapore citizens to be eligible for an invitation to SGDP activities.


If an athlete from my club does not fulfill the current criteria for an invitation, can they still be considered?

Yes they certainly can. Please email the respective Programme Manager with Subject: "Request for consideration to SGDP". In the email, please give:

1 - details of the athlete (name, DOB)

2 - the reason they didn't compete at Nationals (eg: injured, away, etc)

3 - the 2020 Nationals (or comparable) age group and competition category (eg: Under 11 Stage 2 )


Please contact the following Programme Managers if you have any questions:

Artistic Gymnastics (MAG & WAG) Perry Koh
Perry Koh
Rhythmic Gymnastics (RG) Giselle Lim
