Kenzu Kang

Name: Kenzu Kang 

Height: 177 cm 

Age began gymnastics and reason for starting: 5 years old. I started because parents wanted me to be active.

First Club: Win-Win Gymnastics Club

First Coach: Mr Foo Yong Kwang

Current Club: Prime Gymnastics Club

Current Coach: Will Tan 

Favourite apparatus: Pommel Horse

Favourite skill: Russian Wendeswing

Most difficult skill to learn so far: Double back off parallel bars 

Personal Best Recorded and the Event in which it was recorded: Scoring 12.750 on the Pommel Horse

Major Sporting Achievements:

  • Participated in Junior Artistic Gymnastics Asian Championship 2023 hosted in Singapore and placed 33rd out of 45 participants. I also received a special award for the highest execution score on parallel bars. 
  • Participated in Singapore Open 2023 and received 3rd placing for IAA FIG Junior and 1st place for IAF Pommel Horse. I also hit my all time highest IAA score of 69.95. 
  • Participated in Singapore Gymnastics Lunar Competition 2023, and placed 1st on Pommel Horse with an all time highest score of 12.750. 
  • 2023 Lunar Cup – 1st on the Pommel Horse 
  • 2022 National School Games – 2nd on the Pommel Horse 

Competition Experiences:

  • Asian Championships: 2023

Sporting Motto or Saying: Repitition is the path to consistency. 

Who is your favourite gymnast and why ?: Xiao Qin. Pommel Horse inspiration.

My favourite local dish is: My favourite local dish is carrot cake because it reminds me of my family and childhood when I ate the dish quite frequently. 

Favourite movie: Dune (Part 2)

My main support group consist of: 

  1. Family (Mother, Father, and Sister)
  2. Friends (Training and School)
  3. Coaches (Prime Gymnastics Club)

If I was not an athlete, I would like to be: If I was not an athlete I would like to be an artist. I always liked drawing and reading when i was younger so I think that becoming an artist would definitely suit me.

Top 3 items in the bucket list includes: 

  1. Go on an overseas training camp overseas with teammates. 
  2. Go overeseas to go on a hiking trail with my friends. 
  3. Meet world class gymnasts in person

One interesting fact that most people do not know about me is: I really like cats.

What is the greatest challenge you have faced in your sporting career? How did you overcome that?

Having phobia with back twisting skills. Still in the process of overcoming it. 
