Amelyn Sng


Name: Amelyn Sng

Name in Chinese/Tamil Character: 孙卉恩

Date of birth: 04-10-2007

Height: 150 cm

Current School: Singapore Sports School

Age began gymnastics and reason for starting: 7 years old. It was for fun.

First Club: Flyonce Gymnastics School

First Coach: Sun Ping

Current Club: National Training Centre

Current Coach: Anastasia Fokina

Favourite apparatus: Clubs

Favourite skill: Penche turn

Most difficult skill to learn so far: Back scale rotation

Personal Best Recorded and the Event in which it was recorded: Personal best was the clubs routine from the virtual competition 2020.

My favourite local dish: Kaya toast with soft boiled eggs.

My main support group: My main support group is my parents.

If I was not an athlete, I would like to be... Entrepreneur or a barista.

Top 3 items in my bucket list includes... Learn how to play drums, try the job of a barista and to travel alone when I can.

I love to hang out at... because... I love to hang out at home because that is where I am most comfortable and where I can be myself.

One interesting fact that most people do not know about me is... I love spending time alone.

Any other pre-competition routines that you practice besides warm up? I don’t really have any routine.

What is the greatest challenge you have faced in your sporting career? How did you overcome that?

So far the greatest challenge for me was coming out of a setback that happened after a few good competitions. I overcame that slowly and though it took a few more competitions, I waited and tried my best to face it.