What is TeamGym?

TeamGym is a program for Teams of 6-12 team members and comprises of three apparatus, a Floor routine with synchronous gymnastics dance moves and gymnastics elements, Single Mini-Trampoline and Tumbling – all performed to music. Single Mini-Trampoline and Tumbling are performed in “a stream” where one competitor comes after another. TeamGym is an exciting and audience friendly competition.
Started in Northern Europe, the popularity of TeamGym is increasing all through Europe. The first European Championships were held in 1996 in Finland. Now there are 18 European Federations practising the sport, good for close to 50.000 active gymnasts. It’s also gaining popularity in the United States, Australia, New Zealand and now Singapore!
Downloadable resources:
What is TeamGym in a nutshell
Singapore Gymnastics TeamGym Manual 2020 (Version 1.0)
TeamGym routine worksheet template (with example)
Next TeamGym Event details
Teams perform on the following apparatus
The program is split into following divisions
Vaulting / Mini trampoline
Entry Foundation Skills Level
Entry Extension Skills Level
Medium – High Skill Level, Introduction of Team Rounds