
Final Call - Registration Ends Today!

Registration closes today, 20 March 2020 at 2359H for RG athletes looking for Selection into the National Squad and Sg Open Team! To all aspiring FIG Senior and Junior RG Gymnasts, the SG National Squad Selection for Junior and Senior, the SG Open Junior & Senior team selection, as well as an internal NTC Pre-junior Control Test, will be held tomorrow, Saturday, 21 March till Sunday, 22 March 2020 at the OCBC Arena!
Singapore Gymnastics Selection Policies Rhythmic Gymnastics Trampoline Men's Artistic Gymnastics Women's Artistic Gymnastics Gymnastics Start Here Go Anywhere Foundation Sport Fundamental Movement MAG WAG TRA RG GfA

The Long Wait is Over - National Championship 2020 is up!

The long wait is over. Today, the decision was made to push through the much-awaited event which will take place on the 5th September – 13th September 2020. The Singapore Gymnastics National Championships 2020 is your opportunity to compete against athletes nationwide. Held over nine days, athletes will be able to showcase their skills in the sports of Women's Artistic, Men’s Artistic, Trampoline and Rhythmic at the Bishan Sports Hall.
Singapore Gymnastics National Championship 2020 Gymnastics
