The April RG TAC meeting addressed several crucial topics, emphasising transparency, governance, and the transition to the new National Programme due for release in a few months and implemented in 2025.
Athlete Transitions and Pathways within the current National Programme:
The RG TAC addressed several critical issues surrounding athlete transitions and pathways within the current national programme. The meeting focused on ensuring fair and transparent processes for gymnasts, highlighting the following key points:
- Fair Enforcement: The committee discussed measures to ensure fair transitions between levels. Moving forward a timeframe will be set for clubs to verify participant lists and report any discrepancies to maintain integrity in competitions.
- Honesty System: Stressed the importance of honesty and transparency in the transition process to maintain fairness and the responsibility being with the club/school.
- Non-Linear Progression: While it may be clear to most of the community it was discussed that there may be confusion caused by overlaps in age groups and school requirements, which affect gymnasts' understanding of the progression through levels.
- Transition Process: Emphasised the importance of annual reminders and articles to clarify the transition process for athletes in the National Programme.
- Parental Awareness: Highlighted the need for better communication regarding the appeals process for category changes to ensure parents are well-informed.
- Deviation Requests: Ensure that Clubs and schools are aware that they must seek approval from SG (RG TAC) for any deviations from the prescribed pathway, which is evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
- National Championships 2024: The TAC will handle all complaints and rule violations received to date and enforce the current regulations with no further correspondence entertained. Results will be adjusted, and medals awarded retrospectively if necessary.
Review of P034 Judges Code of Conduct:
The meeting also focused on refining the judges' code of conduct, proposing the following actions to maintain integrity and fairness in judging:
- Proposed Actions: Suggested verbal warnings, formation of a disciplinary committee, and issuing yellow/red cards, suspension, or category downgrades for rule violations.
- Adoption of FIG Rules: Recommended integrating FIG General Judges Rules section 9 into the policy for consistency.
- Disciplinary Commission: Proposed including Technical Directors from all disciplines to ensure a comprehensive and impartial perspective.
- Quantifiable Evidence: Emphasised the necessity of evidence-based disciplinary actions to avoid subjective decisions.
Review of P024 Allocation of Judges to International Courses & Competitions:
The allocation of judges to international courses and competitions was another focal point, with discussions centred on:
- Selection Criteria: Judges will be selected based on rankings, availability, event requirements, and the necessity to maintain their brevet.
- Mock Tests: Scheduled mock tests for 2024/2025 for FIG and National Level 3 judges to ensure readiness.
- Registration Restrictions: Only Singapore Citizens can be registered into FIG judges’ courses; others must request registration through their own federation.
Judge Evaluation and Recognition:
A new program for judge evaluation and recognition was proposed to ensure high standards in judging:
- Recognition Program: Suggested analysing post-competition scores and issuing recognition letters based on performance.
- Performance Banding: Proposed categories for recognition and corrective actions to maintain high judging standards.
Judges’ Panels for SG and National Selection Events:
The committee discussed guidelines for forming judges' panels to ensure fairness and reduce conflicts of interest:
- Draft Guidelines: Focused on reducing conflicts of interest and maintaining neutrality despite logistical challenges.
- Competency and Development: Highlighted the need for competent judges and the continuous development of Singapore FIG judges.
NROC Changes:
The meeting also covered changes in the National Registry of Coaches (NROC), emphasising:
- Transition to Full NROC Status: Stressed the importance of spreading awareness about these changes and ensuring coaches are properly registered and qualified through intermediate courses.
These updates reflect Singapore Gymnastics' commitment to maintaining fairness, integrity, and excellence in gymnastics, ensuring that athletes, judges, and coaches are supported and guided by clear and transparent policies.