The Rhythmic Gymnastics Technical Advisory Committee (RG TAC) has released important updates regarding the Classics Competition and preparations for the SEA Games 2025 after their June 2024 meeting.
Classics Competition and SEA Games Qualifiers
- Classic National: This competition will use the new National Programme and will include only two apparatus.
- Classic International: This event will follow the 2025-2028 Code of Points (CoP) and will include all four apparatus.
- SEA Games 2025 Qualifiers: Classic International scores MAY be used as qualifiers for the SEA Games 2025, depending on the qualifying period as determined by SNOC. FIG athletes should start using the new code by November and December 2024. The qualifying scores from previous SEA Games may need recalibration with the introduction of the new CoP.
Workshops for Coaches and Gymnasts
- National Programme Overhaul: The TAC emphasised the importance of workshops for a smooth implementation. These will be part of the Coaches Congress in September.
- Updates for Coaches and Judges: Workshops to update the community with the new Code of Points will be organised. A separate FIG CoP workshop will invite coaches with national squad athletes, and another workshop for FIG judges will be conducted before the Classic International.
Coaches Congress
- Event Details: Scheduled for early September, the Congress is open to all coaches and aims to professionally develop those coaching Levels 1-6.
- Workshops for Higher Levels: Separate workshops for coaches working with Level 7 and 8 athletes, linked to the FIG, are being planned.
RG Judging Enhancements
- Strategy Review: The TAC is revamping the strategies developed in 2022 to enhance RG judging at events based on progress made so far.
- Conflict of Interest: Due to the lack of judges, all COI judges will be removed from the DB & DA panels and will only judge Execution and Artistry.
Judges Education
- Re-Accreditation: All judges must complete a re-accreditation course to maintain their accreditation.
- 2025 Courses: Clubs should promote attendance at judges’ courses, especially if the number of courses increases.
2025 Judging Course Plan
- Level 1 and Level 3: Courses will be organised in December 2024/January 2025, before the National Championships.
- Level 2: The course will be conducted after the National Championships and before the Singapore Open.
Singapore Open Feedback and Planning
- Event Improvements: Feedback from previous competitions will guide future improvements.
- Warm-Up Times: There is a suggestion to extend warm-up times for stages.
- Positive Feedback: Judges noted that the event ended on time and finished earlier this year.
These updates highlight the ongoing efforts of the RG TAC to improve the standards and processes within the sport, ensuring readiness for upcoming competitions and events.